The Boston Red Sox "SWEPT" the Colorado Rockies!!! The kids and Rod are so excited!!! I am glad it is all over and now we can get some sleep. We have stayed up way to late to watch Boston play.
I can't tell you how excited the kids, Rod and Grandpa are about the Red Sox winning their Division and now they are headed to the World Series. We will be watching the game on Wednesday night and cheering loudly for them to win. I will add a picture soon!!!
Yesterday I went to get my hair cut and decided I wanted a major change. So I did. Rod was completely SHOCKED when I walked into the house. The kids were SHOCKED when they got home from school, but so far Rod and the kids really like the new look. I don't think I have had it this short in about 5 years. It is shorter than I wanted and Rod's taking a picture ability is in question with the pictures I posted.
For Family Home Evening on Monday night our Ward was having an apple pressing to make apple cider. You bring what ever apples you want pressed into cider. It was a great time. The boys helped out a lot and the kids had fun watching and washing the apples. They also had a great time playing with the other kids there and the little kitten. The cider was delish.
Yesterday the kids decided they wanted to have a sack race. So they went upstairs and got some plastic grocery sacks and they had their race, but half way thru the race their feet went through the bottom of the bags. I don't think I have ever heard them laugh such hardy laughs. They had a great time racing.
Paeton learned how to ride a bike with two wheels with the help of her brothers and two neighbor boys. They (all the boys) were so good about being patient with her and she did a fantastic job. But she has decided she was to keep her training wheels on for a little longer. When she wants to ride a two wheeler, she hops onto one of the boy bikes and goes cruising. She is so funny.
The leaves are changing and almost all the way off the trees. It is really pretty to see all the different colors. The pictures don't do justice but I wanted to share them with you all. I also took a few pictures of some flowers in the yard before they all died. Enjoy!!!
It snowed over Conference Weekend. It started out raining and than it turned into some hugh snowflakes. We went outside for a little bit, but it got too cold and the kids were getting super wet. We did snow angels, had a snow fight and made a attempt at a snowman before everyone got to cold. It was never finished and melted before we could go back outside.
Paeton said I looked like a Snow Princess because my hair was all wet and glistening in the light when we came into the house.
The kids were playing around and asked if I would help them make a tent out of their blankets and the kitchen chairs. So I came up with the clever idea of using the back of the couch and the kitchen chairs. The kids played in their tent ALL day. They had so much fun and even ate their lunch in the tent. I am happy the simple pleasures make them happy and they have such a good time with them.
The Tooth Fairy made a visit to us about 3 weeks ago. Leland lost his first tooth and is the first to loose any teeth out of the kids. When his toth fall out he lost it and we could not find it ANYWHERE. He was really sad and thought the Tooth Fairy would not come. So we wrote her a note and left it under his pillow. She came and left him 2 quarters and a little note saying she had heard that his tooth had fallen out but he was not able to find it and left him a gift because she trusted him. He was super excited the next morning when he woke up and found the quarters.