Monday, February 7, 2011

San Francisco

I was able to go to San Francisco in October. It was a lot of fun. Saw the Golden Gate Bridge, Fisherman's Wharf, the Oakland Temple, go across the Bay Bridge and many more wonderful things there. I love San Francisco!

First Day of School

Now that School is half over, I am finally getting around to posting pictures of the first day back since summer is over. They were excited to see all their school friends and their new teacher. This school year has been a good one so far. I went to Parent/Teacher Conference last week and got some wonderful compliments about the kids. They are such good helpers and have learned so much this year. They love to help the other students in their class (Leland), will do anything to help their teacher (Nolan) and are social butterflies and friends with everyone (Paeton).
I love them dearly!

Flag Football

The boys had so much fun playing Football. The weather was a little less to desire at most of the games, but that is what football is all about, right?!
We are gearing up for Baseball this spring and the boys will be playing kid pitch this time around. Should be interesting to watch.

Ants, Ants and more Ants!

There were so many ants in this pile, they were layer on top of layer of ants. It was fun watching them, but we had to get rid of them because they were near the house and I did not want ants in the house after the bee episode.


Found this beautiful Butterfly out in the Garden among my flowers. It had died, but was in pefect conditions. We had to take a picture. I am looking forward to the Butterflies we find this Summer.

Huckleberry Picking

Thought we would try our luck at Huckleberry picking. It is a time consuming adventure. We ended up with 1 1/2 quarts after 4 hours of picking. Not a lot and I have yet to use them. The kids had fun playing in the mud and rocks. It was a fun day!


This is why we don't do curlers in Paeton's hair. Her hair is straight as a board, but when we put curlers in, it goes beyond curly. I can't even run my fingers, much less a brush, pick or comb through it. It is funny!

Yellow Stone National Park

Took a Saturday and went to Yellow Stone with Grandpa and Grandma Steiner. It was the first time the kids had been and it was fun. We saw a lot of animals, but being in the car made it hard to get pictures. It was such a beautiful day. We packed snacks and lunches for everyone. We watched Ole Faithful and afterward had lunch in a picnic area near by. The kids thought it was the coolest day ever! I would have to agree.

Cub Scouts

Over the Summer the boys earned their Wolf in Cub Scouts. Yes, I am a little behind in posting. The boys were so excited to receive their awards. Just this last month they earned a Gold and Silver Arrow. I still have to sew the Arrows on their shirts and in two weeks they will be Bears. Time is going by too fast!